Join the Woman's Club of Homestead
Please read the Obligations and bylaws before filling out the Membership Form.
Obligations of Membership

Members will derive satisfaction and pleasure from the club affiliation in direct proportion to the contributions they make to club activities. Beyond the requirements stated in the bylaws, these are obligations which good club member takes for granted and fulfills.

1. SHE KNOWS the third Tuesday is "Club Day" and plans other activities accordingly so that attendance becomes a habit.

2. EACH MEMBER is expected to serve as Hostess at least once during the club year. If her name appears first in the list Hostesses, she is Chairman and should contact the others in ample time to make plans. If for any reason she cannot serve at that particular time, she must contact the Chairman of Hostesses and make arrangements to serve at another time.

3. MEMBERS ARE EXPECTED to cooperate to the best of their ability on ALL club projects. This is a WORKING CLUB, depending on the SERVICE of its members to earn the money for many charitable and community projects, as well as the expense of maintaining the clubhouse. When projects require the sale of tickets, each member, in fairness to the whole group, is expected to sell or pay for a reasonable number of tickets.

4. MEMBERS ARE EXPECTED to serve in Departments and on Committees. Special interests and talents may be directed may be directed by personal preference but there is a PLACE and a JOB for everyone.

5. MEMBERS ARE EXPECTED to express themselves at meetings where decisions are made. When a matter is under discussion is the time for support for opposition; opinions must be voiced to be considered. All vote are equal, but a member forfeits her vote when she is not present to cast it.

The key to the value of your membership is participation!


We, the undersigned, hereby associate together for the purpose of becoming a corporation under the laws of the stare of Florida, by and under the provisions of the Statutes of the State of Florida providing for the formation, liabilities, rights, privileges and immunities of a corporation not for profit.

The name of this corporation shall be: GFWC WOMAN'S CLUB OF HOMESTEAD, FLORIDA, I C.

The principal place of business of this corporation shall be 1027 E Third Avenue, Homestead, Dade County, Florida, and at all such other places or points in the State of Florida and in the United Stares and foreign countries as may from time to rime be authorized by the Board of Directors. Its mailing address shall be P. 0. Box 53, Homestead, Florida 33030. Its registered office shall be at 234 North Krome Avenue, Homestead, Florida 33030, and its registered agent at that address shall be TERRY GURNEY.
The general nature of the business to be transacted is as follows:

SECTION I: To promote educational, scientific, charitable and literary endeavors in the community.

SECTION II: To purchase, lease, hire, or otherwise acquire real and personal property, improved and unimproved, of every kind and description, and to sell, dispose of, lease, convey, encumber and mortgage said property, or any part thereof. To acquire, hold, lease, manage, operate, develop, control, build, erect, maintain for the purposes of said corporation, construct, reconstruct or purchase, either directly or through ownership of stock in any corporation, lands, buildings or other property or any part thereof.

SECTION III: To solicit, collect and receive money and other assets, and to administer funds and contributions received by grant, gift, deed, bequest or devise, and otherwise to acquire money, securities, property, rights and services of every kind and description, and to hold, invest, expend, contribute, use, sell or otherwise dispose of any money, securities, property, rights or services so acquired for the purpose above mentioned.

SECTION IV: To borrow money and to make, accept, endorse, execute and issue bonds, debentures, promissory notes, and ocher corporate obligations for monies borrowed, or in payment for property acquired or for any of the purposes of the corporation, and to secure payment of any such obligations by mortgage, pledge, deed, indenture, agreement or other instrument of trust, or by other lien upon, assignment of or agreement in regard to all or any part of the property, rights or privileges of the corporation. To invest and reinvest its funds in such mortgages, bonds, notes, debentures, shares of preferred and common stock, and any other securities of any kind whatsoever, and property, real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible, all as the corporation's Board of Directors shall deem advisable and as may be permitted by law.

SECTION V: To exercise all other rights and powers conferred upon corporations formed under the laws of the State of Florida governing corporations nor for profit; provided, however, that the corporation shall nor engage in any activities or exercise any powers, including those specifically mentioned herein, that are nor in furtherance of the specific and primary charitable purposes of the corporation.

SECTION VI: The foregoing clauses shall be construed both as objects and powers, bur no recitation expression or declaration of specific or special powers or purposes herein enumerated shall be deemed to be exclusive; but it is hereby expressly declared that all other lawful powers not inconsistent therewith are herein included, except that all of the foregoing purposes and powers shall be exercised exclusively for charitable purposes in such manner that the corporation shall qualify as an exempt organization pursuant to the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and applicable scare tax law provisions as they are currently and shall hereafter be in force and effect.

No shares of stock shall be issued, as this corporation is formed solely for charitable purposes. The corporation is not organized, nor shall it be operated, for the primary purpose of generating pecuniary gain or profit, and it will nor distribute any gains profits or dividends to the members thereof, or to any individual, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and make payments and distributions in furtherance of its specific and primary purposes. The property, assets, profits and net income of the corporation are irrevocable dedicated to charitable purposes and no part of the profit or net income of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of any director, officer or member thereof, or to the benefit of any individual.

Membership in this corporation shall be limited to persons of lawful age residing in the Stare of Florida.

This corporation shall exist perpetually.

The number of initial directors constituting the corporation's Board of Directors shall be ten (IO) until the first annual meeting of the corporation. The number of directors may be fixed or changed from time to rime by amendment of the Articles of lncorporations of this corporation or by amendment of the Bylaws of corporation adopted by the vote or written assent of the members of the corporation entitled to exercise a majority of the voting power, or the vote of a majority of a quorum at a meeting of members called pursuant to the Bylaws.

Names and post office addresses of each subscriber to these Articles of Incorporation, who shall constitute the first Board of Directors of this corporation, and who shall hold office until the organizational meeting of this corporation and until their successors are elected and have qualified, are:
  • Meda Jensen     - 18640 SW 295th Terrace Homestead, FL 33030
  • Ruth Perry         - 28201 SW 195'h Avenue Homestead, FL 33030
  • Doris Ely             - 1432 Bluebird Lane, Homestead. FL 33035
  • Jennette Clark  -  59 E 15th Street, Homestead, Fl 33030
  • Rosemary Peck - 14023 SW 275th Street Princeton, FL 33032
  • Nancy Bird        - 208 NW 19th Street, Homestead, FL 33030

The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by its Board of Directors, who shall be elected by the members of the corporation in the manner and serve for the term as prescribed in the corporation Bylaws. The Board of Directors may delegate specific duties and responsibilities to the corporate officers as prescribed in the corporation Bylaws.

The Officers of this corporation are:
  • Meda Jensen     -  President
  • Ruth Perry         -  First Vice President
  • Doris Ely             -  Second Vice President
  • Jennette Clark  -  Treasurer
  • Rosemary Peck -  Recording Secretary
  • Nancy Bird         -  Correspondence Secretary

In the event this corporation is dissolved, the assets of the corporation remaining after the payment or provision for payment of all debts and liabilities of the corporation shall be distributed to a non-profit organization and used exclusively ro accomplish the general purposes for which this corporation is organized. If the corporation holds any assets in trust, such assets shall be disposed of in such manner as may be directed by decree of the Circuit Court of the county in which the corporation's principal office is located, upon petition therefore by the Attorney General or by any person concerned in the liquidation.

The Articles of Incorporation may be amended by a two thirds (2/3) vote of a duly constituted quorum of the voting members of the corporation at a regular meeting or of a special meeting called for the purpose of amending the articles or by a majority of the entire Board of Directors at a regular or special meeting.

The provisions of this charter, and each and every article and section hereof, and the Bylaws of this corporation, shall be considered a part of each and every contract and transaction to which this corporation shall be a party. Every person, association, and/or corporation dealing with this corporation is hereby charged with knowledge and notice of this corporation.

The name of this organization shall be GFWC Woman's Club of Homestead, Florida, Inc.


GFWC Woman's Club of Homestead, Florida, Inc. shall be organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and shall otherwise comply with any requirements for classification as an exempt organization under such Section.


SECTION 1. ELIGIBILITY. Any person who is interested in the objects of this Club shall be eligible for membership.

SECTION 2. CLASSIFICATION. Membership shall be in four (4) classes: Active, Associate, Life and Honorary
A.    ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP shall be held by members who
1.    Pay annual dues.
2.    Should attend the meetings of the Club.
3.    Actively participate in the work of special events and at least one department each club year.
4.    Serve on a hostess committee at one meeting per club year.
B.    ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP shall be held by members who:
1.    Have been active members for at least eight (8) years.
2.    Pay annual dues.
3.    Shall participate to the best of their abilities.
4.    Shall not vote or hold office.
5.    Temporary Associate Membership may be obtained by written request to the Board by an active member needing to be excused for personal reasons. Requests should be renewed on a year-to-year basis.
C.    LIFE MEMBERSHIP shall be conferred on members who have served twenty-five
(25)    years as Active members.
1.    They shall have the privileges of Active membership, excluding attendance requirements and committee responsibilities.
2.    They shall pay annual dues.
HONORARY MEMBERSHIP shall be by appointment by the Board of Directors for a one term.

A.    Applicant shall be sponsored by a member who has been active at least one year. Applicant shall be introduced as a prospective member before name is submitted for membership.
B.    Application for Associate Membership shall be made to the Membership Chairman and committee.

A.    Application shall be read to the Board and voted on by ballot before it is presented to the Club. A majority vote of the Board shall recommend the applicant for membership. 
B.    Applications that have been accepted by the Board shall be read to the Club and voted on by ballot. An affirmative vote by the majority of members in attendance shall admit applicant into membership.
C.    An initiation fee and annual dues shall become payable immediately upon notification by the Membership Chairman that membership has been approved. Applicants elected to membership after February 1 shall pay one-half year's dues and the initiation fee.

A.    By non-payment of dues.
B.    By resignation. Resignation shall be sent to the Membership Chairman.
C.    By transfer to another Federated club.
D.    By conduct chat endangers the welfare or character of the Club. Such member shall be duly notified by the Board and given an opportunity to tender her resignation, or appear before the Board to be heard in her own defense. It shall require the vote of eight (8) members of the entire Board to expel a member.

SECTION 6. RENEWAL OF MEMBERSHIP. A former member of GFWC Woman's Club of Homestead, Florida, Inc. may reapply for membership without sponsors and initiation fee, and may be accepted by the Board, provided not more than three (3) years has passed since she was a member, and provided she was not dropped for misconduct. 

SECTION 7. TRANSFERRING MEMBERSHIP. Any member of a Federated Woman's Club, with a letter requesting transfer, may be elected by the Board of Directors to active membership in the GFWC Woman's Club of Homestead, Florida, Inc. 

SECTION 1. Annual dues shall be payable by each Active, Associate and Life member on the first day of June. After July 1, dues become delinquent. A notice to this effect shall be sent by the Treasurer to each member in arrears. 
SECTION 2. Any member in arrears on July 15th shall lose membership privileges. A member dropped from the roll for non-payment of dues may be reinstated to membership within three (3) months by payment of dues plus a penalty. 
SECTION 3. The fiscal year of the Club shall commence June 1st
SECTION 5. The Treasurer shall have charge of all funds and the corporate seal, the imprint of which she shall affix to documents when necessary. he shall receive and receipt all sums due the Club, and send out all bills. She shall keep an accurate account of all receipts, expenditures and investments, and pay our monies and budgeted expenses on order of the President, authorized by the Board. She shall pay out reimbursements of regularly scheduled expenses upon receipt of signed receipt of accounting. The Treasurer shall submit the books for auditing at the end of the fiscal year.
SECTION 6. The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in her duties. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer shall perform the duties of the Treasurer.
SECTION 7. The Parliamentarian shall attend the Board of Directors meetings as a non-voting member.


SECTION 1. STANDING COMMITTEES: Cards, Clubhouse Management, Clubhouse Rental Manager, Club Woman of the Year, Credentials, Dade County Federation Chairman, Finance, General Federation of Women's Clubs Magazine, Hacienda (FFWC), Historian, Hostesses, Invocations, Jr. Woman's Club Liaison, Newsletter, Publicity, Scrapbook, Telephone, Volunteer Hours. Standing Committees may be added or deleted. The duties of these Committees shall be as directed by the President. 

SECTION 2. SPECIAL COMMITTEES Special Committees shall be appointed by the
President. The duties of special committees shall be as directed by the President.
SECTION 3. All committee and Department Chairmen shall submit a written report to the President by a dare designated by the President.
SECTION 4. To place an item on the Agenda, a member shall notify the President prior to any scheduled meeting.
A.    The Membership Chairman shall receive all applications for membership. She shall contact applicants regarding their obligations on becoming a member.
1.    She shall present the application.
2.    She shall keep a record of each member's attendance.
3.    The five elected Directors shall constitute a committee to see chat all B:laws relating to membership are strictly fulfilled.
B.    The Program Chairman and her committee, consisting of the Department Chairmen, shall plan and coordinate the programs for the current year. She shall provide substitutes when needed for scheduled programs.
C.    The Treasurer and Committee, consisting of the President, Past President, Past Treasurer and two members appointed by the President, shall submit a proposed budget to the June Board and Business meetings.
D.    The Chairman of the Hostess Committee shall have the responsibility of providing hostesses for all club meetings, and such special events as may be required.
E.    The Chairman of Credentials shall be responsible for registering the members and guests at all meetings.
F.    The Clubhouse Manager shall have charge of maintenance and repairs, subject to the approval of the Board. By virtue of office, she shall be a member of the Board of Directors.
G.    The Rental Manager shall have charge of rentals, with rates established by the Board.

An auditing committee of three (3) shall be appointed prior to May 15th, and shall give its report to the June Board and Business meetings.



SECTION 1. Twenty percent (20%) of the Active and Life membership, including the Presiding Officer, shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Club.
SECTION 2. Seven (7) members, including the Presiding Officer, shall constitute a quorum of the Board.


A.    At the February Business meeting, a nominating Committee of five (5) shall be elected, two from the Board and three from the membership at large, their consent to serve having been obtained. The President shall name the Chairman. At the March Business meeting, this Committee shall present a slate of candidates for each office, and a slate of five Directors, their consent to serve having been obtained. The slates of candidates shall be posted on the club bulletin board.
B.    The election of Officers and Directors shall be held at the April Business meeting. The nominating Committee shall have ballots, tally sheers, and ballot boxes ready for the election.
C.    As the election proceeds, nominations from the floor shall be in order (provided consent to serve has been obtained) until nominations are declared closed. names of all candidates shall be placed in full view of all members.
D.    When there is only one nominee for each office, the motion shall be made to accept the slate as a whole and that it is elected.
E.    When there is only one nominee for each of the five Directors, the motion shall be made to accept the slate as a whole and char it is elected.

SECTION 2. There shall be an Election Committee of three (3) appointed by the President on Election Day. The duty of chis Committee is to pass our the ballots, collect the ballots, and count them. The chairman shall read the correct count to the Club, and the nominee receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected by the Chair.
SECTION 3. All ballots and tally sheets shall be made into a package by the Election Committee sealed and signed by them. This package, so sealed, shall be delivered to the Recording Secretary, and kept by her intact for 30 days, after which it may be destroyed.


SECTION 1. Club meetings shall be held on the third Tuesday of each month, except July and August, unless otherwise ordered by the Club. In case of a natural disaster, scheduled meetings may be cancelled/suspended or regulated according to the situation at hand.
SECTION 2. The President may call a regular or special Board meeting at any time.
SECTION 3. A special business meeting may be called upon written request by five (5) members of the Club.
A.    All business to be transacted must be specified in the call for the meeting.
B.    Notice of special Board or Club meetings shall be given to the members by telephone, by written notice or personally.


These Bylaws may be amended at any Business meeting of the Club by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided that such proposed amendments have been offered in writing prior to the vote.


Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the official guide of the GFWC Woman's Club of Homestead, Florida, Inc. in all instances where they do not conflict with the Bylaws or Standing Rules of the Club.



In case this Corporation wishes to dissolve and by due process of law shall dissolve, all assets of whatever nature, or their equivalent in value, which remain after the just debts and liabilities of the Corporation have been satisfied, shall be used for such educational or public purpose or purposes, within the State of Florida, as will complete or continue undertakings for the public benefit which are already begun by the GFWC Woman's Club of Homestead, Florida, Inc., and any remaining assets shall be distributed for the purpose or purposes within the scope of Internal Revenue Service Code 501 (c)(3). o pare of the net income or earnings or the Corporation shall inure to the benefit of any individual member, or be distributed to its members or Officers.

1.    The Order of Business shall be the Agenda as adopted at the first Business meeting of the New Club Year.
2.    To obtain recognition, a member shall rise and address the chair.
(a)    No member shall speak more than twice to a question, the second opportunity being granted only after members desiring the floor for the first rime have spoken.
(b)    Debate shall be limited to two minutes per person.
(c)    Extension of rime may be granted by the Chair with the consent of two-thirds standing vote of the members present.
3.    Prospective members should not attend meetings when their name is presented for membership.
4.    Membership Chairman and sponsors of prospective members shall be responsible for informing a prospective new member what her obligations are to the dub and" after admission, to remind her if she is meeting the requirements of the dub.
5.    Dues. Initiation fee shall be $15.00. Annual dues for Active and Life members shall be $50.00 Associate dues shall be $65.00. Penalty for late payment of dues shall be $10.00. (Late payment is after July 15th).
6.    Members who do not cancel reservations by Friday at 6 pm before the function shall be billed by the Credentials Chairman, the cost of the reservation.
7.    Each Officer, Department Chairman, and Committee Chairman shall work with the incoming Officers or Chairmen and make her records and advice available to the incoming Officers or Chairmen prior to installation of new Officers.
8.    Members shall present to the Treasurer an fremi:red statement for reimbursement within 30 days of expenditure.
9.    Woman of the Year Award. This annual award shall be given to the outstanding dub member at installation. This award consists of an engraved plaque? public citation, and a memento.
(a)    The recipient shall be a member who has brought honor and prestige to her club by reason of her conspicuous service, example of character, and meaningful contribution to the welfare of the community, special emphasis being placed upon her contributions within the dub itself
(b)    Written recommendation must cite specific reasons for her selection, and be submitted to the Committee Chairman by the April meeting. A verbal nomination may be made by notifying the committee by the April meeting and ma.king the recommendation to the committee at their meeting, also citing specific reasons for her selection.
(c)    A committee of five (5) shall then select the Woman of the Year who best represents the qualities previously stated
     (1)    The Committee shall keep the selection secret until presentation.
     (2)    Recipient's name shall be engraved on plaque prior to installation.
     (3)    The Chairman shall give a brief summary of the recipient's achievements.

All of these guidelines are included to be helpful!

A.    Have a notebook for that department (either one that has been passed on co you or one you start). Keep bulletins from FFWC, GFWC, flyers for programs your department may have had, notes about ideas etc.
B.    Have a meeting of your department members at some rime during the summer months or in September. Get to know those in your department. Set goals and priorities. Meet monthly - possibly before general meeting or another day.
C.    Include all members of your department in some way in some activity!!!!.
D.    To raise funds you may hold a raffle of some item (donated or otherwise) at least one meeting per year. (Only one raffle may be held per meeting)
E.    The department responsible for the program for the month is responsible for table decorations also.


Christmas dinner meeting may be a catered affair. Hostess duties may include but are not limited to:
1.    Make sure Clubhouse tree is up and decorated. (General membership could help with this a week or more before the party.)
2.    Decide on table decorations - get your committee together to help with ideas and setting up centerpieces.
3.    Arrange for caterer in ample rime for his/her schedule, if you choose co use one.
4.    Arrange tables to accommodate service. Check with caterer to be sure his needs are taken care of. (Re: serving tables ere.).
5.    Enlist enough help so serving and clean up are done as needed.
6.    Meet with committee to decide on activities for the dinner meeting.

Take notice of where you rake something from and put it back in that same place. Keep closet as neat as possible -it is a small space and clutter will make it more difficult to use.

Stove/Ovens: Always wipe stove-cop clean when through cooking. Hear ovens at least ½ hour before putting items in co cook.

Linens: Sign our any linens you are raking home co wash - sign them in when you return them.
(Book is in the kitchen on the telephone table) Use no bleach on any items. Re-hang tablecloths as they were when taken out. Hangers are in the pantry.

Dish washing: Drain the wash area when washing is completely done. Check co see that the water hearer is on - 20 minutes to ½ hour before using. Swiech is in electrical panel behind the kitchen door to the main room. 

China: Scrape and rinse dishes before putting into dishwasher racks. Wipe dry and stack after
washing in dishwasher -it does nor dry china/silverware.

Silverware: Collect silverware after use and put into large rub with soap and water. This is a pre-wash for dishwasher racks. Towel-dry all silverware after dishwasher cycle. Replace in rubs according to size and type (pattern). 

Glasses: As with china, towel-dry after dishwasher. Replace in cupboards where taken from. Let clubhouse manager know of any broken pieces.

Refrigerator/Freezer: Remove unused food after a function. Condiments, butter and items sure to be used may be stored for future use.

Salt/Pepper/Sugar Containers: Wipe clean and refill after use. Replace in cupboards.


1.    Chairman - Ger the committee together and decide on a meal ( en tree, drinks, dessert). You may want to order sandwich rings, subs or make something simple like spaghetti. Whatever the committee chooses. Everyone on the committee has a talent. There are cookbooks in the kitchen if you want to use them.
2.    Friday before the meeting the phone committee should be able to give you a count of people attending. Remember do not go over the allotted luncheon fee.
3.    Monday you may wish to prepare some things of the food items you will be serving on Tuesday. You may also want to sec up "eating" and serving tables.(Please note: there are designated cloths for the serving tables.) The overall hostess chairmen and members of the board have keys and will open the building for you. The hostess committee is responsible for setting up the tables, chairs, microphone and flag also.
4.    Tuesday morning finish meal preparation. If necessary, set the tables. o one person is designated to do certain jobs, this is your choice. You may serve the meal buffet or fix plates, your choice.
5.    CLEAN UP, take home food, rowels and tablecloths. (PLEASE do not use bleach on tablecloths, they will yellow) o leftover food should be left in the refrigerator. Wipe sugar holders, salt and pepper shakers and replenish before putting them away. Take garbage and trash out to dumpster. Remember to put in the green notebook (located on the table beneath the telephone) anything you take home to wash/clean.

6.    If any dishes, glasses, cups or saucers are broken, please let the Chairman of Hostesses know.(It does happen)
7.    You are free to use any foodstuffs in the kitchen, if they aren't designated for some other function. If something runs out or is low, let the Hostess Chairman know so that it can be replaced.
8.    Chairman - keep track of your time and those of your committee and give to the volunteer hours chairman. This includes meeting for menu, shopping, cooking, and cleaning.
9.    Save your receipts. Give all receipts to the treasurer so you can be reimbursed for your expenses.
10. The department presenting the program is responsible for decorating the tables. When there is no program, the hostess committee is responsible. Enjoy your experience and please check your newsletter and yearbook for your turn. If you cannot do it in the month designated, please exchange with someone else and let your chairman know. For large events, it is helpful to have a separate set-up crew and clean-up and close crew.


1.    Form a committee if you need more helpers than those designated in the yearbook.
2.    Ask the president-elect what her theme, symbol and color are to be, and cry to accommodate her.
3.    The committee should send the invitations to special guests. Decide time, place, menu and make programs.
4.    Arrange for music or entertainment if it is wanted.
5.    Purchase food and begin preparation at lease the day before the event.
6.    Decorate -probably the day before.
7.    Have a member with the sign-in book (on bookshelf in office) and cash box at the table by the door. A greeter by the door is a good idea.
8.    A buffet line may be used, may be served - your choice.
9.    Purchase President's gift.
10.  Pass President's pin.
11.  Incoming President chooses Installing Officer.


1.    Be in contact with Rotary Club for dace and if they are going to ask the Woman's Club co help with their dinner.
2.    Learn how many they estimate will attend.
3.    Decide menu.
4.    Contact farmers for fresh vegetables (donated if possible).
5.    Gee supplies - keep track of all expenses, with receipts, they reimburse
6.    Get members co help, day before and day of, assign tasks (prepare vegetables, sec up tables, make beverages, load supplies to cake to site, serve food, clean up, wash up, and load up co cake back co clubhouse).


1.    At some time before the event, the sitter should check which the rental agent co insure chat security has been hired. Security is to be in attendance until lock-up.
2.    Duties begin at contracted stare time, unless otherwise arranged for, and end with final lock-up.
3.    Assist the renter with any reasonable request in regard co table set-up, chairs needed, use of telephone etc. 0 LI E S are to be used.
4.    Remain available throughout the event, and make your presence known by walking about the facility periodically. This is necessary in order to monitor all areas and insure that all areas are properly used.
5.    At lock-up of building, check bathrooms. See that commodes and urinals are flushed, and no wet wads of paper are on the walls or in the light fixtures.
6.    See chat all lights are off and all outside doors are locked.
7.    There is to be no lending of property, especially from the kitchen. Make sure no water pitchers, silverware etc. are borrowed. DO PROVIDE TRASH BAGS as needed.
8.    Check ovens and stove at lock-up. Be sure all burners are off Scovel ovens to be for warming only. o cooking is allowed.
9.    Vehicles are not to be driven onto the patio in back. Use orange cones at edge of patio to prohibit this and avoid concrete damage.
10.    All food items brought in for the event must be removed from the refrigerator/freezer and countertops at the conclusion of the event. Bar must be attended at all times.
11.    Thermostats have a "stop" on them at 72 degrees. Can go no lower without damage. Outside doors to be kept closed during the event to be energy efficient.
12.    No smoking inside the building in any area.


1.    Inform membership of meetings. (4th Wednesday in October, January, March and May)
2.    Encourage members co attend meetings.
3.    Get five delegates to attend if possible.
4.    Bring information back to the club.
5.    Get a donation for Fiesta - Door prize or gift for Chinese Auction.
6.    Sell tickets for attending Fiesta - raises funds for scholarship / loans for medical students at University of Miami. Also sell Treasure Chest tickets (an opportunity chance for cash awards)


1.    Form a committee - enlist other volunteers to help the day before and the day of the sale.
2.    Collect many items of various values - some may be scored in office in clubhouse: try to find a member who is able to score in her garage, shed, etc.
3.    Advertise - newspaper, radio, flyers. Put in stores, post office, library, etc.
4.    Make large poster co put at intersections the day of the sale.
5.    Always price items the day before the sale.
6.    Have money for change - treasurer will supply - ask her ahead of time.
7.    Have lots of bags on hand - all sizes - can be used bags or new from supermarket.
8.    Day before sale, have committee sort items in categories. (children's, men's, etc.)
9.    Offer coffee, water, soft drinks, or juice & cookies for sale.
10.    Have several members on the Boor at all times to take money and keep tables neat.
11.    Donate all left-over items co charity.

1.    Collect information
2.    Type newsletter
3.    Copy Newsletter for mailing
4.    Address and stamp
5.    Newsletter should be sent to District Director and State President
6.    Seal (post office says no staples)
7.    Mail

Bylaws-GFWC Homestead

The GFWC Woman’s Club of Homestead Membership Form

Member Information
Agreements and Declarations


As a member of the Woman's Club of homestead, you are required to:

You are expected to:
1. Assist in fundraising events.
2. Support Club activities and goals.

Member Signature